I just spent an hour on a phenomenal blog post and when I went to publish post, it was an error, so wasn't too worried, it auto saves... NOT... Just went back and only had the first two sentences saved!!! BOOOO
Well, have to write more later... have boys that need mom... and lunch :D
So I just read through your past post real quick and instead of commenting on everyone of them I figured I would just do one big comment. Stop being so negative about your blog and lack of followers. Honestly you only have had it a month now and have three followers, thats doing good. I started mine back in May (I think) and I am just now up to 7 and within the last month have I actually become an active blogger. You have to patient. Just blog and people will come. There are some people on blog that I am not quite sure how they got there but hey, they are more than welcome.
What I have read in your blog so far sounds really damn interesting and I cant wait for you to go into more detail and get more stories out there.
By the way, I love your blog title and the layout :)
Oh and feel free to check out my blog if you would like :)
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